Monday, September 14, 2009

Beef Stew w/Mushrooms

Now, if we were really resourceful.. we'd have used that squirrel from earlier and made burgoo or something. But that takes like a dozen squirrels and 30 lbs of turnips and we hate turnips around here. Long story.. we just , um hate them. Yeah. they stink. And taste bad.. and grating them can nearly take your thumb off if you slip.. thus turning a turnip bright red an very non turnipy looking. Then maybe you faint.. I'm sorry pass out from the shock. Elly May would be mortified to say she fainted. Farm girls do not faint.. . They just don't . But passing out is something altogether different. It doesn't sound quite so weak. Where were we?? Oh, stew.. sans squirrel meat. Anyway, the weather cooled off, we had mushrooms fresh from farmers market and all the picky eaters were away from home.. so we could throw them all in without a mutiny. We start out with grass-fed beef .. This particular cow came from the T. O. Cattle company and the kind folks of Morris Grassfed beef . That makes it sound like two different places but Morris Grass fed is the T. O. Cattle company.. anyway. they have good beef.

Stew meat.. from last years cow actually.
Brown the meat.. Don't crowd or you steam it.

The cremini mushrooms..

Yes , yes, I know. I crowded my mushrooms.. shame on me. But they still taste good.

Onions, meat, mushrooms, potatoes... some homemade chicken stock (didn't have beef .. and chicken is sweeter anyway) , wine... into the oven at 250F for a couple hours...

We added carrots , celery, and more potatoes later on and let them finish and then I should have dumped something green on this to make it look pretty like peas or parsley but everyone was hungry and it didn't happen so.. that is why it looks boring. But it doens't taste boring at all. Very very good. Good cow. :-)

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