It has been raining, and raining, and raining and raining all .... week..... long.. You'd think we lived in Oregon or something. Anyway, we desperately needed the rain, maybe not the entire seasons worth all at once but here in drought land, you should be thankful for what you get , whatever it is. We've had a few breaks (like minutes ) between storms and yesterday we got such a respite . The sun came out for a second and I grabbed my camera and went outside.

Diamonds on tomato wire.

Onion sets sprouting , those that Frank hasn't pinched of course. I've watched him, he sneaks up to the side and turns his head sideways and reaches for the tips. He never eats them, just yanks them up and mutilates them. Who'd a thunk you needed to protect your onion sets from marauding puppies?

More onion sets. Some very very well watered onion sets....

These branches had leaves on them a few weeks ago.

There is something about these things that just fascinate me to no end. I can't stop taking pictures of them. They always come out different depending on the angle and the lighting. They are just so beautiful . They remind me of fairies or some such enchanted creatures.

This used to be a lawn. Now..... well, I don't think it qualifies as a lawn anymore. If anyone wanted to do a slip in slide thing it would be perfect. Of course, those James brothers kind of do that all the time. Then they come inside , the little dears.

Franko. He wants to go into the far back. He loves it back there. I don't know why everything back there smells better but it does. He said so . He has to sit and stay and wait until I go through the gate and cross over the bridge and say okay. Otherwise, he may not go. It took him awhile to figure that whole process out but being a relatively bright boy when he wants to be (and it serves his own purposes in the end) he caught on.

Some soggy ladies. Too bad they aren't ducks. They might like it then.
Hmmmm.. All I can say is I'm sorry. You were expecting nice "after the rain storm" photos and I slipped this in. But it IS after the rain storm . And the rain had a powerful effect on this whole mess. And.. it was there and I just HAD to take a picture. It was formerly bait a trap, (he was already dead) for a skunk, but I told Dad all he was going to catch with that kind of bait was a cat.... and he did. Then he just left this in there and it is in the process of melting into the ground. Quite exciting don't you think?
MOVIng on. There, a nice little mushroom.

Rain drops on field peas. Not quite the same as rain drops on roses but the field peas were there, the roses weren't. And I think rain drops on field peas is one of my favorite things.

Arugula working mighty hard.

The cover crop of rye, vetch and field peas in the top bed . That is a bunch of compost at the end that we sifted out earlier in the week (just as the rain started falling... we got very wet and muddy but it was lots of fun), and then covered.

On dreary days, bright colors are most cheerful. And why have a white petticoat when you can have a day glow green one?
Looky there.. chicken

Enjoying the rain ladies? Not...
Tis very wet out here I must say.

Isn't it glorious? All the mess? Well, that will be cleaned up soon. Hopefully. I've got plans, yes I do .

There was a flock of feral Amazon parrots flying over.

And over,

And away.

Oh look, I could have rain drops on roses. But I can't see them without getting very very wet and very very cold. There is our boat , which, if this rain kept up, we would have had to put into use shortly.
Not long after I came in and tried to defrost my nose and hands, it started raining again. But now, NOW, the sun is out, the mountains are frosted heavily with snow and it is gorgeous and cold.
*Bokeh refers to the out of focus area/objects of a photo
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