Saturday, January 16, 2010

How to Deal With Post Season Decorations..

So we really enjoyed our gingerbread outhouse centerpiece this year. Then one evening we were celebrating a birthday and had forgotten to light the candles on the table. That is just not excusable .. I mean FIRE people. You need it for special occasions. ANYway, dinner already being over, I lit them anyway, then being the thinking person that I am, that considers all future consequences to ones actions (ha ha and haaa) ... I lit the icicles on the outhouse on fire just to see if they would burn. Golly gee.. they do! With lots of screams and hollers from the more prudent members of the family, I blew it out. Geez people... it isn't like it was going to burn very fast anyway. But ... I had a brilliant idea. In other years we threw gingerbread houses off the roof too see how they smashed (not very impressive actually... then you just have a lot of candy powder to clean up afterwards. ) why not burn this one???? It would be a grand way to end the party. So with much excitement and happy squeals of anticipation , we whisked the singed creation outside to the concrete and brought all the dry pine greenery that had been adorning doorways and stuff. You know, just for a bigger show and all.

Then, being the Lady of the Flames , I got to start the proceedings.. Elly May documented. :-)

Kind of slow going , not very impressive ..

Ah.. .but pine burns really really well.

The big guns.. though not nearly as fun as matches (it is the smell .... magnesium... mmmmm) the torch got things going much faster.

Ahhh.. a tree has fallen on the privy!!

So we add more because it burns so well.

The roof caved in and melted.. the whole thing kind of melted actually. It was a grand show. I'm sure the neighbors were wondering what on earth was going on . There were delightful sparks flying all over the place (it was moist out from a previous rain.. don't worry.. we also had a hose ready) . Granted a huge bonfire would have been way more fun but we do the best we can under the circumstances.

The aftermath on the concrete.... shh.. don't tell Mom. Anyway, it was a grand send off for a privy.


  1. Oh, How HICK!
    (this will become the new approving phrase... as in "cool" and "hot" and "totally awesome")
    Giggling with your genius,

  2. Ha ha... thanks . :-) I thought it was a brilliant idea .
