Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Apple Sauce Time

We've finally managed to eat our way through three years of overly enthusiastic apple sauce canning (my fault entirely... I must admit.. they were FREE for cryin' out loud. You have to accept free apples ..... or else.... or else..... well, they get wasted and just dumped in the dumpster. So I rescued them. But then I had more applesauce than any family in their right mind or appetite would consume. But we've finally reached bottom. So, it was time for more. )
First we wash de apples.
Er.. we.. well.... Elly May. Thank you Elly May. I love you to pieces.

Then you whack them all up with a sharp knife. Taking out the bad spots if you are dealing with seconds and rotten apples.. as we were. We meaning both of us this time because I did chop them up. (I don't make her do everything...)
Then you cook them down until they are really soft and then, if you are really really lucky , a friend from out of state just happens to drop by and say hi for a few minutes while they are in town and are kind enough to assemble your food mill thingy you haven't used since you were twelve because you insist on using IT this time instead of your mother's completely dependable and ancient Kitchen Aid sieve thing that is made, sadly , of aluminum. Anyway, she puts it together and saves the day and then disappears again. SO, you spoon, pour all the apple stuff in and Elly May eagerly volunteers to turn the crank so she can continue to build up her butch Cinderella biceps . We run the stuff through twice to get all the good stuff. This food mill leaks just as much as I remember. So we just stuck small bowls under the leaky parts and that seemed to work fine. So there you tempermental food mill!!

May we have some?? I think not.

Then it gets dumped (well ,carefully , you know... ) back into the heavy, precious , blue pot with cinnamon sticks and is cooked down to the desired consistancy. Which just happens to be when we have had enough of this apple cooking down/canning business and want to leave the kitchen and have it be over with already.

The apples were really sweet so there was no need to add sugar. Galas make the best sauce in my opinion... but I haven't had a lot of opportunity to use a zillion different varieties in my kitchen trials. But Galas are better than Fuji or Pink Lady.. but .. we had Fuji and Pink Lady today so.. so that is what we used. We are opportunistic canners .

Aren't they all pretty?

All done. Yay.. no more. This should last a few weeks. It is really good on toast in the morning. And way healthier than apple butter which is mostly sugar anyway. We are indebted to the guys at our farmers market who unload all their culls on us so generously each week.

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