Monday, October 5, 2009

Changin' the Beds..

We've had some issues with our top garden beds for awhile. Kind of a sun thing... The stuff in the back only gets a few hours of sun, ending at noon when it gets shaded by the fence. Nothing does very well in the back. So why waste all that space? Why not have a walkway there and run the beds the other direction? Well, it seemed like a big project and I didn't know if it would ever actually happen. I decided to plan it out , to see what kind of square footage I could get by changing things, would I lose some ? Would I gain some? and so on. I'm not really a planner so to go through all the trouble of measuring and marking up graph paper was kind of unusual for me. It gave me a headache. And I never did come up with anything solid.. But this past weekend it all came together in the hands of my very very capable father. He didn't get out any graph paper, he didn't even measure much, he just said , do it like this... and then he built it. We helped, but mostly he did all the work.

Oh, these aren't garden beds obviously, but it is what the sky looked like above them when I was taking before pictures..
Lovely power lines...

Skies like this are rare here. We don't get many clouds..

This looked really really cool. It was all feathery.

The ladies are molting. That there is a plucked chicken..

OKAY, on to garden beds... These are before shots..


New bed going in. It is just one big huge thing..

I think it looks like a boat. I don't know what to name it though. The R.V.S (Royal Veggie Ship) Behemouth or something. Hey, did you know RMS stands for Royal Mail Ship? I didn't know that before. That sounds kind of lame. The Royal Mail Ship Titanic.. kind of loses something. ..
ANYhow, now I have a ship to fill with dirt. Lots and lots and lots of dirt. We'll be making most of it. It is time for serious composting. Those 4x4's would make good scarecrows. I could do all the ones in back... I could have a whole family of them! Hmmm. Then the dogs could growl at the strangers in the garden. SO, that was the weekend.

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