Monday, October 5, 2009

Weekend Adventures

We had a very busy weekend. We had help , and we had fun. ;-)

Lets start with a nice picture.. because it just goes downhill from here.... These apples have nothing to do with anything other than , we eat apples, they were there... and I took a picture of them.
Mmm, chicken feed... more on them later.

First project was planting cover crops along the side of the house where earlier there had been butternut squash vines, peppers and cucumbers. We are hoping to plant hops here next year... that may or may not happen . But we wanted to improve the soil anyway and cover crops are a good way to do that.

Prepping the planting bed..
Scattering the seed... we put in a mix of rye, vetch and field peas. Hopefully they will all be good little seeds and all sprout and give us lots and lots of bio mass. Because we need all we can get around here!
Casualty... What do they call that in war? Collateral damage?? Anyway....

What are you doing with my toes??
Hmmm, toe art. Then the wind blew and knocked it all down.

Then we plied our help with food and homebrew (this is an IPA..) and then....

They start doing things like this...I don't think I shall ever understand men.

Just so you know, it wasn't a fly maggot... but one of those annoying moth larvae.. the ones that get into grain and all that. These were in a jar of walnuts that had been stashed in the back of the drawer. Yummy.

Then since we had them, we thought it would be great fun to have a race. Only bet on the lively, frisky ones. We had several qualifying rounds. ...

And they are off! They start to tire after awhile so having too many qualifying rounds isn't a good idea. They need to be fresh to move fast . Otherwise they get tuckered out and don't want to do much more than mosey along. And you can't win no race with a mosey! I tried blowing on them to make them go faster but it didn't work. I think tickling with a feather might work better.. but I didn't have one and I might have been disqualified..

Moving on.. I have a Jerusalem Cricket biting my skirt. He was flung there... ahem...

Digging for gold... well digging IN gold (gardener's black gold that is... compost. :-) ) for chicken feed.

The little dears. How plump and juicy they look!
Flame roasted to perfection. You know, they puff up like marshmallows when they reach the right doneness.

Aww, sad sack. SMILE, you're on camera!!
There were more happenings, mostly , the great moving ... or uh, building of the new garden beds. But that will be another post.

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