When the post office called we dashed out of the house so fast I didn't take any ID . I wasn't driving anyway so figured why bother? But when I got in there and asked for the ducks they wanted to see my ID.. as if random people come into the post office and ask for ducklings. Like they'd know they were there ! Ha... yeah.. well.. I told him my name ... where they were from... "JUST GIVE THEM TOO ME!!! " I wanted to yell... But they were nice about it and got them for me anyway. Anyway.. . without further ado... pictures.
Sorry about the blur.. but isn't she cute??
On the ride home from the post office.
I tried hard to convince them that shavings were not an primary or alternative food source. They were not convinced and I was afraid they were going to make themselves sick so we had to cover the shavings with newspaper to begin with. That made them slip and slide a bit on their awkward legs but they eventually decided that food tasted a big better than that dry stuff.... but not much... (they continue to eat the stuff occasionally. Maybe they consider it fiber?? ) and I was able to remove the paper.
They were sooo tiny!!
Ahh.. now we are growing .. and looking wise.
Bath time! Taking care to have warm water (and a very warm day) so they didn't get chilled (because they don't have oil from their mother to protect them like wild ducks or ducks raised with a mother), they got their first bath. And they loved it . I like the punk spiked hair look we are going for here.
Looking on.... I don't trust him at all. He had to be removed from the premises immediately because he was a tad too interested in having a snack.
Who is that up there?
Now we get to run around in one of the garden beds so mama duck can air out her room! They've been in a large Rubbermaid in my room (next to my bed) for the past week and a half and I think we are ready to move to the duck house. Then I won't have to have a light burning all night long and have to get up several times a night to refill their water. Or be hit with that .... shall we say... fragrant aroma every time I walk into my room (despite daily cleaning) . I've enjoyed having them so close and being able to cuddle with them whenever I want but it is time.
Punker Man looks on. I don't really trust him either but he is fine if I'm out there with him. He listens ... enough to leave them alone when I threaten his life if he so much as drools in their direction.
Drying off afer a bath. Chillin with the pepper plants.
And now... today... they are about twice ... or three times the size as a week and a half ago when they got here. But still fluffy... still peeping.. and still cute.
Until I was putting together the pictures for this post I didn't realize how much they'd grown . And so fast. Well... they are putting away enough food. We'll see how they like sleeping out in the new duck house tonight. I think I shall worry about them a bit.... but only a bit . I think I'll be enjoying the opportunity to sleep without having to refill waters at 3 am.
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