Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Those Updated Garden Shots.....

So I finally got out there with a camera to take new photos of the stuff. It is all a lot bigger than the last time I took pictures. Which is a good thing you know... because it means that stuff is actually growing.
Tomaters are bloomin'.

Don't they look happy?

Sage seedlings. I think I planted too many... you can only use so much sage and there is only so much room here. I'll just give some away ...

Busy busy pollinators.

Little jewels on the leaves. I love the dew drops.

Think we have enough onions? It looks like a lot but I know we use a lot of onions and I still don't think that is enough. But I don't have room for any more.

Arugula bolting is really pretty.

Whacked back kale and new beans coming up. These are Romano pole beans. An Italian variety that sounded very tasty. Elly May is all excited about making dilly beans. They are very very tasty and the easiest way to preserve green beans.

There are more beans in the back of each of those step beds. The mustard greens and wrinkled cress that were there got whacked back just like the kale.

The lettuce that was here finished up and now there is more arugula, more wrinkled cress and some mizuna coming up with cucumbers poked in around the edges so hopefully they will spill over the edges and vine out . We shall see how that works out.

Spaghetti squash coming up in the lower bed.

The lower bed with more tomatoes. These are all the determinate paste tomatoes that should hopefully all come in around the same time so there is enough to make lots of sauce , ketchup and plain canned tomatoes.... I'm keeping my fingers crossed... last year was kind of a wash out as far as our tomatoes were concerned.

Snap peas... that were left too long . But they still taste really really good.

Sunshine and spider webs.... so perfect. ;-)

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