These are a mixture of chives, Australian Brown, and Parade Bunching onions. I've never had such luck with onions. I'm not going to cheer too loudly yet though because the season isn't over yet... starting them is only part of the battle.
A bed of arugula... I love arugula . This particular bed has had a least 2 or 3 cuttings by now and I just completely whacked it back the other day in hopes of getting one more before it gets way to spicy and strong and bolts on me. We'll see... but just in case... I planted more anyway.
This is about a month old at least... the hops are now taller than me.. Well, the Chinook and Nugget ones are... Willamette and Cascade are lagging a bit. Maybe they don't like it here as well as Chinook and Nugget. I'll have to ask them...
Mixed lettuce...
Red Russian kale and more lettuce. This has had numerous cuttings by now... the lettuce is gone and I just put cilantro seeds where that was... and the whole back is ripped out so beans could go in. They are just coming up. I'll get a picture later..
This is back when I was still nursing tomato and pepper plants inside under lights. They've been planted in the garden a month by now... but just so you could see them past there tiny little starts.
Getting too tall for in here!
So outside we go. Actually, they spent some time in a rigged up cold frame with window panels over them for protection against the cool nights . Then I dropped one on a third of the little dears. I felt horrible and apologized to them all. Luckily most of them bent instead of snapped ... I only lost about 3 I think.. Brave little guys. Do you think I have enough here?? I gave a lot away... I could only fit in 36 plants.
Ghostly tomatoes... I had a Reemay cover over them for a few nights before they actually got planted out.. then they were on their own.
The peppers did really well starting this year. I'm not sure how they like their new digs but we'll see if and when they start producing peppers.
The first tomatoes outside were the Russian Silvery Fir Tree.. We' ll see what they do .. they are blooming now. And they do sort of have fir tree like leaves.
Well, until I dig up more footage.. that is it for now. The garden is teaming with squash seedlings, beans, onions , tomatoes, peppers, greens... lots of stuff. Now if the weather would just cooperate... we'll be in fine form. But we have no control over that... just praying..
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