Friday, November 27, 2009

Cider Pressin' Time

We get apple seconds from our local farmer's market and they had enough for us this past week that we could do a cider pressing to have fresh cider for our Thanksgiving meal. We did the pressing earlier in the week because it is a rather labor intensive project and we were going to have enough to do later in the week.
Being seconds.. we have to cut out the bad spots and so forth..
The giant apple.

J.B. wants to see what is happening .

Let's go bobbing for apples!!!

Ready for pressing.. How about that table cloth eh? Actually it is an old sheet someone gave us from the 60's or thereabouts. I can't imagine waking up and looking at them on my bed. I think it would give me nightmares.
My prized possession

Some are not usable.....

Poor Punker Man injured his shoulder somehow and has been limping this past week. So he was watching from the porch and being miserable.

Liquid gold!!

Mmmmmm... if you've never had fresh pressed cider... you've really missed out in life. It is like nothing you have ever tasted and absolutely NOTHING like apple juice from the store.

Me hanging out and resting with Punker Man because I was supposed to be taking it easy... I did try.

Finished product. It went over really well at our Thanksgiving celebration. As apple season goes on and there are more and more seconds , we ferment a large portion of it into hard cider and then turn in into vinegar. We have about 20 gallons of the stuff turning (hopefully!) into vinegar in an oak barrel right now. We shall see how it turns out. We've never put it in a barrel before , just fermenting it in jars. But I had the barrel.. so we are now using it. So there.

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