Of course I forgot to get a picture of the figs
before they all got cut up.... They were so pretty too. There were about 5lbs of them, well, before I started eating them. About 5 of them didn't end up as jam. I used to hate figs actually. It wasn't the taste. It was the texture. The insides... they were like , like, a bunch of maggots (sorry for that word picture) to my ignorant and immature way of thinking. I have since grown out of that and I think they are the bomb. And fig jam is hard to beat. This was a late evening canning session because the day had been full of other things and I just I
had to get them done because they had been a gift and if they went bad I'd feel awful. Elly May was gracious enough to lend a very helpful hand and we got it all done.
The recipe (good ole' Ball Bluebook of canning) called for 6 cups of sugar to go with those 8 cups of figs. To my way of thinking, that is an insane amount of sugar and I would much rather taste the fig than their cloyingly sweet version. So I only used 3 cups of sugar and it came out just fine.
Here they are all chopped up and combined with sugar.
Cook 'em down down down... and stir of course, or it will burn.
These Weck jars look cute but being European... I guess they have different measurements and there aren't any canning funnels that will fit... It barely sits on top there, which is better than nothing I suppose. Isn't it purdie?
All ready to go in the canner. Those metal clips are a pain to get on and they also chip the glass a bit as they go on. Other than all these complaints, they are okay. Usually I use Ball or Kerr but I had these available , and they are cute.. so I used them.
Ta da! I had one extra 1/2 pint that I didn't can and we're just eating it now.
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