Sunday, October 17, 2010

100 and counting

This marks the 100th post on this blog. And sadly , it is going to be pretty boring. I know it has been quiet around here for  a long time . That should come as no surprise now to my loyal reader(s) (haha... yeah.. you know who you are...) . I (Annabelle) have been sick for the past two weeks and I'm on strict orders from my doctor to "rest" ... which I feel like I've been doing for an eternity already. I don't like being run off my feet to the point of exhaustion anymore than the next person but also I don't like enforced resting for what seems to be eternal periods of time. To get the most enjoyment out of rest .... you have to have done something first. Hopefully something meaningful and productive. Anyway.... life doesn't happen the way you hope or plan ... not in the "real quotidian world " anyway.
                  Elly May has been kind enough to  take care of the ducks for me when I couldn't drag myself out of bed in a timely fashion. They didn't take to a stranger coming in at first. They are big on routine.... I understand that. I like my routines too and to have them majorly disrupted is always rather unsettling.... but they did enjoy eating whether I was there or not.
                          In garden news, cover crop is up and growing in the top bed .. as well as various salad greens. Only .. those aren't up yet, they were just planted.  We had soil testing done and the results were rather discouraging. We have high levels of arsenic of all things and we are now unable to grow root crops as they pick up too much of the toxic metal.....You try to do something good and healthy in the city and yet you are living in a toxic soup.... I'm assuming it comes from the power poles right behind our house that are treated heavily with arsenic and they come and spray them off each year to clean the transformers and the spray falls all over the garden. Nice huh?   The toxins were even showing up in the onions and squash that grew back there. Humph.
                    I was going through my picture stash and realized I didn't post any pictures from the photo spree I had last year with my cousin's camera. So here are a few shots ...

Happy Fall everyone!!

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