Friday, June 11, 2010

Pop-up Books for Hillbillies

As you may know , we've been on a sort of crusade around here to rid the place from the over abundance of vermin. We've tried everything from spring traps, battery powered zap traps, cats, poison, sticky traps etc... The sticky traps seemed to be a joke. We even found some with foot prints all over the surface... despite the vigorous claim on the package front stating the "extreme sticking" power of the glop on it. Yeah... whatever. Okay. ... then, there was a trap in one of the chicken pens that a rat decided to cover with shavings/bedding and then walk all over it. They are mocking us. I'd completely given up on the sticky trap line and put my faith in the poison (we've already seen one die in convulsions and we can smell a really ripe one stuck behind the fence out back... so there you little beasts!!!) , ANYway, this morning Elly May comes up with a sticky trap that tells a whole story. It says... well... just look at the pictures....
An overall view. There is a whole story here if you look close enough. There is a rat foot.... cat fur .. flies....
Okay.. he isn't really part of the story but he was sitting there looking cute and in case you needed to rest your eyes before moving on...

Ah, there it is. The only evidence left of the previous , if only temporary occupant.

These things work as fly traps too I guess..

Ultimate sticking power... well... maybe if you're a cat.. Anyway, so if you didn't get the whole story there... Rat gets stuck... (miraculously if you ask me...) , resident stray cat comes along and grabs rat and eats it (all but a foot) , cat gets stuck, leaves lots of fur (poor kitty) , flies only thing left who can't get out. So there you go , a pop up book story.

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