Saturday, April 10, 2010

Wildflowers and Catchin' Up

I realize it has been ages... over a month actually since I posted anything. Life has gotten in the way as usual. I've had tons of pictures to upload but never get around to doing it. But I need to start somewhere so here are some pictures I took about a month ago of some of our local wildflowers that did so beautifully this year after the rains. These hills are about an hour south of where we are .... and things aren't this green anymore. We have had one small storm but it isn't enough to stop the march of brown that comes about this time every year. There is a very brief window when the hills green up and when they do ... *sigh*... it is better than the hills of Ireland .. because , hey... we've got the sun AND the green then. ;-) .

I don't know what this is but it is sure pretty. From a distance it looks like heather on the hill... but of course it isn't.. this not being Scotland and all...

Tis that time of year!

Looky! I found Mike Mulligan's steam shovel Mary Anne (at least I think that is how you spell her name...) .

We had to leave around sunset and head further south because we were going to my friend's baby shower. The sun was setting behind the clouds and was rather dramatic.

On our way home the next day we went through a lot of orange groves. It looks almost like it did in the olden days when they were all over the state.

I wish I could have seen it then. Oh well... We don't get to choose when we are born. Just as well.

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