This time it is Santa Cruz Lager. A very dark beer.
All the goodness dripping down.
It is almost like molasses.
Chillin the wort. This time I sped up the process by pouring several cups of salt over the ice. It chilled down in no time!
Elly May working wonders in the kitchen. This is a maple/rosemary chicken. You had to be there. Mmmmm.
I think Elly May has had snake on the brain lately. Mom was not pleased.
This one was more to Mom's liking.
It was a dinner party for Passover. We don't eat this much sugar usually... at least I don't think so.
More chocolate!
Stepping outside. The roses are all in full bloom. This is a David Austin rose by the name of Legendary Gold . It is breathtaking and one of my favorites .